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Metal Coffee Mugs

Christian Counseling 

Seeking God in the trials, finding redemption in the pain, developing deeper bonds with Him. 

Our faith is a cornerstone to our being. We want to make choices, and live a life in accordance to His ways and sometimes, we get lost, stuck, and scared in the process. We start doubting, start trying to do it our way, and we feel frustrated and overwhelmed with the uncertainty.

Any of these sound familiar? 
"How do I know this is what Im supposed to do?" 

"This isn't how its meant to be."

"I feel so far from God."

"Im struggling to find my faith." 


This is the last place you'd thought

you'd be...

He longs for us to be in relationship with

Him, and with counsel and support

we can find our way back to, ourselves, each

other and Him.

holding hands on bible

Christian Counseling 

Being Christian doesn't make us immune to distress and struggle. It's a hard reality to this world that we will face difficult times. But even in the suffering, there is opportunity for growth, steadfast faith, and healing. 

Couple in Nature

We want to help you build the loving, healthier relationship you desire. 

How does this work? 


The assessment process is a collaborative one. We'll explore your goals and needs, and work to identify the best path forward. We'll start by hearing your story and history, laying the foundation for the rest of our work together. 

couples holding hands

Finding meaning in our experiences is an essential part of the stabilization process. We will work to organize the pain and help you uncover clearer, more heartfelt messages that not only feel better but create shifts in you and your bond.

couple finding love again

As moves change, our focus will shift toward deeper areas to bring clarity to the fuel behind the pain, giving both partners the chance to find clarity and the support and connection you long for, creating a bond and relationship that can weather any storm. 

Are you ready to find each other again? 

Contact Me Today

1722 Keller Parkway 

Keller, TX 76248


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We will be in touch shortly!

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